As followers of Jesus Christ, baptism is an essential step in our relationship with Him.
We are so excited that you have decided to go All In! Everything you’ve learned, encountered and experienced has prepared you for this moment. This process is about deepening what identity looks like and honoring the call to make disciples that transform the world. Your decision to go All In is not only about cultivating your love relationship with God, but also yourself and HEC. We are so blessed to take you on a journey through awareness, acceptance and activation.
Our Mission at Hebron Evangelical Church is to set at liberty those who are captive through the teaching of God’s Word and the demonstration of His Spirit.
Our Mission at Hebron Evangelical Church is to set at liberty those who are captive through the teaching of God’s Word and the demonstration of His Spirit.
While God and the Bible are the ultimate authority for Hebron Evangelical Church, there is a leadership structure to keep the day-to-day operations and ministry of the church moving correctly. The leadership of Hebron has a few integral parts. First, elders. Hebron is first and foremost an elder-led church. The elders provide oversight, vision, and guidance to the corporate side of the church and most importantly the spiritual side of the church.
God is the only sovereign, wise, and good Creator of all things, who reigns as King over all creation for His own glory.
ROMANS 11:33-36
Human beings were made in God’s image to love and worship Him forever. But ever since Adam first rebelled against God, we have all been lost in sin, under God’s judgment, and unable to save ourselves.
Out of undeserved love and grace, God sent His only Son to save us from sin and reconcile us to Himself through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
JOHN 3:16
God offers us His gift of salvation by grace, which we receive through faith in Jesus. He makes us new, calls us to leave sin behind, and invites us to join His work in the world.
Step One: Baptism
Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment you are making to intentionally cultivate your love relationship with God. As you rise above the water, spiritually awakened, you recognize that you are on a journey of self-discovery full of co-creative encounters with God.
You accept your status as heir and joint heir with Jesus to the kingdom of God.
Step Two: All In Baptism Class
Our All In Baptism Class is part of the acceptance process and is a crash course on the All In Baptism process and HEC. You will learn about what, why and how we do what we do at HEC.
Step Three: All In Journey Event
Want to get connected at HEC. but don’t know how? Attend one of our journey events. It’s a fellowship event, informational, and networking experience all in one. Whether you are a social butterfly or a bit shy, the journey give you the opportunity to meet others in the HEC community and see the ways you can get involved.
Are you ready to go All In?