The management of Joyfulway School International, in association with Hebron Evangelical Church (HEC) Inc., is happy to announce the GRAND OPENING of a Library and Computer Lab In honor and loving memory of Holly Cara Price and Joan Watkis.
The management of Joyfulway School International, in association with Hebron Evangelical Church (HEC) Inc., is happy to announce the GRAND OPENING of a Library and Computer Lab In honor and loving memory of Holly Cara Price and Joan Watkis.
In honor and loving memory of Holly Cara Price and Joan Watkis
In honor and loving memory of Holly Cara Price and Joan Watkis
When: August 2021 (Exact date will be announced soon)
Venue: Joyfulway School, New Achimota, Accra Ghana, West Africa
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Hebron Evangelical Church, Inc.
741 Remsen Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11236