Behind the scenes of everything that happens at Hebron, there are volunteers who willingly sacrifice their time and energy to serve the needs of their church and community. The local church is the hope of the world, living and teaching the truth of Jesus Christ. This is why we believe it’s so important for each of us at Hebron to use our unique gifts and talents to benefit our church and our community.
God has made each one of us with a unique SHAPE! Your SHAPE is defined by your Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. Find out how God uniquely designed you and has wired you for ministry.
This SHAPE assessment is designed to be taken during a single sitting, and typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. On these kinds of assessments, it is often best and easiest if you respond quickly and do not deliberate too long on each question – just go with your instinct. Simply answer as quickly as possible and enjoy the process.
We encourage you to be open and honest. Enjoy!